This is a flick fire missile launcher. It’s a modified version of the one found on the Lego Star Wars Public Attack Shuttle. The rubber bands are reversed so that it’s easier to fire. To fire you pull the trigger instead of flick. Here is a video of it in action.
Category Archives: Mechanics
Radio Control Airplanes
RC Airplanes By Jonas Merrell
1 January 2014
Introduction: I like electronics engineering and building things and an RC airplane covers all those points. I want to later build an RC airplane from scratch but first I need to fully know how one works so I want to get a kit so I can learn 100% how they work.
Electronics: There are many electronics that go in to an RC plane like a motor, ESC (electronic speed controller), servos, controller/radio, receiver and a battery.
Mechanics: Basically the way they work is the controller sends info to the receiver which tells the servos to make the rudder, elevators, and/or the ailerons move and/or the ESC to control speed of the motor. By making a kit I will better understand how all the parts work.